Buck Knifes 110FG Folding Hunting Finger Grooved

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Buck Knives: Buck Folding Hunter Knife, Finger Grooved, BU-110FG

The illustrated Buck Knife is the Buck Folding Hunter Knife that features a 3 3/4" clip point blade made of 420HC stainless steel, with a nail nick for opening. The finger grooved Ebony handle of this Buck knife, 4 7/8" closed, has brass liners, brass bolsters and a lockback. A black leather belt sheath is included with this Buck knife. The Buck Folding Hunter Knife with finger grooved handle weighs 7.2 ounces.



Knife laws and regulations can vary significantly from location to location. As such, certain styles, sizes and blades may not be permitted in certain locations and areas. By purchasing this product, you agree that you have and will investigate, understand and comply with any and all laws and regulations that might apply; And you have reached the age of majority or have reached the possession age restriction. The buyer/user is solely responsible for any claims arising from these laws or regulations or any unintended use or misuse of the product. 

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