Shimano Tranx Baitcasting Reel - TRX200AXG

Sale price$306.41

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he power to pull, the speed to burn, the reel to end all arguments! It's revolutionary design and shape provides the comfort of low profile with the capacity of a conventional reel. X-Ship & HEG technologies combine to provide massive cranking power with a smooth effortless retrieve.

Specs & Features

  • SF - Superfree Bearing supported Pinion Gear eliminates friction with spool shaft for better freespool
  • E.I. Surface treatment on the spool protects against corrosion from saltwater soaked braided line
  • S A-RB coating protects bearings from rust in saltwater use
  • Super Stopper eliminates handle back play
  • VBS Brake System effectively reacts to spool rotation speed to provide ideal brake force at all times during cast
  • Dartainium II Drag Washer provides incredibly smooth drag performance with durability
  • Ergonomic Power Handle for better leverage.

X-Ship provides an extra smooth retrieve with superior durability. By supporting the pinion gear on both ends with bearings, the pinion gear maintains precise alignment with the drive gear. This means the gears will stay in the same position under the heaviest loads. The added benefit is that friction between the spool shaft and gear are eliminated. This will enhance the casting performance of the reel with lighter lures, and allow for longer casts.

Bearings 3+1
Color White/Black
Reel Weight 8.5 oz.
Max Drag at Full 12 lb.
Line Capacity - Mono 180/8, 155/10, 110/14 (yd/lb)
Line Capacity - Braid 190/30, 120/50, 80/65 (yd/lb)
Drag Type Star Drag
Line Retrieve Per Crank 36"
Gear Ratio 8.5:1
Retrieve Right-Hand

HEG - A larger drive gear and pinion gear increase cranking efficiency. The one-piece frame incorporates the setplate and a one-piece stamped sideplate eliminates the flex in the drive train that causes gears to bind under pressure.

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