KoneZone Daisy Chain Fishing Flashers

Sale price$62.29

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The Kone Zone Daisy Chain for down rigging is the ultimate Salmon attractor. Commonly called downrigger trolls they are fished as a dummy flasher system. You will attract and hold schools of fish. Run your baits with a stacker 3 feet above the KoneZone B.C. Daisy Chain. Use with baits or lures. You can run your traditional flashers or dodgers to create action on your presentation. Down rigger trolls have been used as a Lake Trout fishing technique with great results. The KoneZone Daisy Chain has been a secret of West Coast Salmon Derby winners in Canada for years. The KoneZone B.C. Daisy Chain is mentioned in British Columbia fishing reports often. Tom Nelson of Salmon University highly recommends the KoneZone Trolling Flasher. When you hook up you will be fighting only a fish, while the KoneZone B.C. Daisy Chain continues to hold the school.

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